[ 👽 M A Z E M A S T E R ]

Time’s Up !

Caught !

Success !

Moves remaining

The game begins with you [ ] and the MazeMaster [ ] somewhere in a maze (such as the sample at left). Your goal is to exit the maze while avoiding the MazeMaster.

You alternate moves with the MazeMaster. (You go first.) When it is your turn, use one of the arrow buttons on the left. (Or use the arrow keys on your keyboard.) Use the STAY PUT button (or the SPACE key on your keyboard) to stay put for this turn.

For each level of difficulty, there is a limit to the number of moves you are allowed. (Staying put counts as a move.) The game is won when you exit the maze. It is lost if the MazeMaster catches you or if you reach the move limit.

To start the play, choose a level of difficulty: